Jackrabbit Mobile https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/ Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:57:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/jackrabbit_favicon-150x150.png Jackrabbit Mobile https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/ 32 32 Native, Web or Hybrid App: What is the Difference? https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/native-web-or-hybrid-app-what-is-the-difference/ Mon, 01 Apr 2024 17:57:21 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10358 There are three main options for creating a mobile app: native, web, and hybrid. Choosing one development path among these three options can be challenging due to several considerations you have to make, from the cost of development and maintenance to your target audience’s preferences. However, before making a decision, it is important to remember…

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There are three main options for creating a mobile app: native, web, and hybrid. Choosing one development path among these three options can be challenging due to several considerations you have to make, from the cost of development and maintenance to your target audience’s preferences.

However, before making a decision, it is important to remember that opting for the right development path is crucial when you want to exceed customer expectations and thrive in the digital marketplace. Ultimately, it all comes down to what you want to accomplish. 

To this end, each development path will have its own advantages and disadvantages. Which one is better for your mobile software solution? Learn more about web and native apps vs. hybrid apps below.

What is a Native App?

A native app is a type of mobile application developed specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android, using the programming languages and tools provided by that platform. For iOS, developers typically use Swift or Objective-C, while Java or Kotlin are commonly used for Android.

Key characteristics of native apps include:

  • Platform-Specific Development: Native apps are built using the native development language and tools provided by the platform, ensuring deep integration with the operating system and access to device-specific features.
  • Access to Device Capabilities: Native apps have full access to the hardware and software features of the device, including sensors, address book, camera, GPS, and more. This allows developers to create highly functional and feature-rich applications.
  • Performance: Because native apps are optimized for a specific platform, they tend to offer superior performance compared to other types of apps. The code is compiled directly into machine code, making it faster and more efficient.
  • Native User Interface (UI) Elements: Native apps leverage platform-specific UI controls and layouts, providing a consistent and familiar user experience for users. This includes standard UI components like buttons, menus, and navigation controls, which are optimized for each platform.
  • Distribution Through App Stores: After development, native apps are published through the platform’s official app store, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. This provides visibility and support for the app but also subjects it to the rules and restrictions of the app store.
  • Platform Exclusivity: Apps developed for iOS cannot run on Android, and vice versa. This means developers must create separate app versions for each platform, leading to potentially higher development costs and longer time-to-market.

What is a Web App?

A web app is a software application that runs on a web server instead of being installed locally on a device’s operating system. Users access web apps through a web browser using a network like the Internet. 

The core technologies used to build web apps are standard web technologies: HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript. These technologies allow web apps to be platform-agnostic, meaning they can run on any device equipped with a web browser, regardless of the operating system.

Web apps have several key characteristics:

  • Accessibility: They can be accessed from any device with a web browser, offering flexibility in terms of where and how users can interact with the app.
  • Maintenance: Because the application is hosted on a server, updates and changes can be rolled out without requiring users to download and install updates manually. This simplifies maintenance and ensures all users are on the latest version.
  • Development and Cost: Building a web app can be more cost-effective than developing native apps for multiple platforms (iOS, Android, etc.) since it involves using a single codebase that works across all platforms. This approach can also reduce development time.
  • Internet Dependency: Web apps require an internet connection to fetch the web pages from the server, which might limit their functionality when offline. However, advancements in web technologies, such as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), are bridging this gap by allowing some offline functionality.
  • Discoverability: Unlike native apps, which benefit from visibility in app stores, web apps rely on search engine optimization (SEO) for discoverability. This can be both a challenge and an opportunity, depending on the app’s marketing strategy.
  • UI/UX Considerations: While web apps can deliver rich user experiences, replicating the look and feel of native app UI controls and gestures might require extra effort. Numerous libraries and frameworks (e.g., Angular, React, Vue) are available to help developers create responsive and intuitive user interfaces that feel native to the platform.

What is a Hybrid App?

Hybrid apps represent a middle ground, combining elements of both native and web apps. They are developed using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are then encapsulated within a native app shell or wrapper. 

This approach allows the app to leverage the benefits of web technology – such as the ease of development and cross-platform compatibility – while still having access to the native platform’s features and capabilities through plugins.

Key aspects of hybrid apps include:

  • Web Technology Core: The core of a hybrid app is built using web technologies, which means the development process is similar to that of creating a web application. This core is then run within an embedded browser component within the native application, invisible to the user.
  • Native Application Wrapper: The web application is wrapped in a native application shell using tools like Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) or Ionic’s Capacitor. This shell acts as a bridge between the web app and the native platform, allowing the app to be distributed through app stores just like a native app.
  • Access to Device Features: Using plugins, hybrid apps can access a wide range of device features, such as camera, GPS, accelerometer, and more, overcoming the limitations typically faced by web applications. These plugins extend the app’s capabilities, making it possible to incorporate native functionalities.
  • Cross-Platform Development: Because the core of the app is built using web technologies, it can be deployed across multiple platforms with minimal changes. This significantly reduces development time and costs compared to developing separate native apps for each platform.
  • Performance Considerations: While hybrid apps can closely mimic the look and feel of native apps, they may still face performance issues or quirks due to running in an embedded browser. The performance might not be as optimized as that of a purely native app, especially for complex or resource-intensive applications.
  • UI Components and Libraries: To address the challenge of recreating native-like UI elements, there are frameworks and libraries such as Ionic, NativeScript, Xamarin, and React Native that provide pre-built UI components. These components are designed to look and feel like native UI elements, helping to enhance the user experience.

What Are Their Differences?

Native Apps vs. Web Apps

Mobile applications are typically developed using two primary approaches: native and web. Native apps are built using platform-specific programming languages like Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Kotlin or Java for Android

This approach allows native apps to take full advantage of a device’s capabilities, resulting in a superior user experience with access to hardware and software features. However, the development and maintenance cost of native apps can be high, especially if you’re targeting multiple platforms, which demands a significant investment of time and resources.

On the other hand, web apps utilize universal web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making them accessible on any device with a web browser. This approach significantly reduces development complexity and costs but comes with limitations in performance and access to device-specific features. 

Since web apps run within the browser, they rely on its capabilities, sometimes leading to slower load times and reduced functionality compared to native apps. 

Moreover, web apps are distributed through something other than app stores, which impacts their discoverability and update process. However, this frees them from these platforms’ constraints and approval processes.

Web and Native Apps vs. Hybrid Apps

Hybrid apps present a balanced approach by combining the easy cross-platform development of web applications with the access and distribution benefits of native applications. These apps are developed using web technologies and then wrapped in a native shell, allowing them to be published on app stores and access device features through plugins. 

Although hybrid apps aim to deliver a performance and user experience similar to native apps, they may encounter limitations due to the presence of the web view component. Despite possible performance issues, hybrid apps are known for their cost-effectiveness and swift market entry, making them an attractive option for projects with limited budgets or those seeking web presence and app store visibility.

Make Your Vision to Reality With Jackrabbit Mobile

Choosing the right type of app for your project – be it native, web, or hybrid – is essential for ensuring the best user experience and achieving your business objectives. Each type has its own set of advantages and challenges, and understanding these can help you make an informed decision.

At Jackrabbit Mobile, we specialize in developing various applications tailored to meet specific needs. Our team is equipped with the latest technology and knowledge to advise you on the best approach for your application. By choosing Jackrabbit Mobile, you’re not just getting an app development company but also a partner dedicated to delivering innovative digital solutions that engage your users and drive your business forward.

Ready to start your app development journey? Contact Jackrabbit Mobile today to explore your options and take the first step toward bringing your vision to reality.

The post Native, Web or Hybrid App: What is the Difference? appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

What Is Cross-platform App Development? https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/what-is-cross-platform-app-development/ Thu, 29 Feb 2024 17:20:43 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10290 Many businesses are venturing into mobile app development today. Apps are useful in various ways, from providing a secure shopping platform to delivering a service. It can help them generate revenue, build brand awareness, promote brand loyalty, and bring them more benefits. A customized app can be a worthwhile investment and bring meaningful ROI for…

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Many businesses are venturing into mobile app development today. Apps are useful in various ways, from providing a secure shopping platform to delivering a service. It can help them generate revenue, build brand awareness, promote brand loyalty, and bring them more benefits. A customized app can be a worthwhile investment and bring meaningful ROI for businesses.

If you are planning to create an app to boost your business or develop a brand-new application that you believe has the potential to be as big as today’s most popular apps, you have to know about cross-platform app development and the advantages it can bring to your business. 

What Is Cross-platform Mobile App Development?

Cross-platform mobile app development is creating mobile apps that can function on different operating systems (OS). It is the opposite of native app development, which builds apps for a specific OS. If developers want to make an app for Apple phones, they have to code it for iOS; and if they want this app to be available to Samsung phone users, they have to redo the code for Android

Since cross-platform apps (also known as multi-platform apps) run identically across different platforms, they are more convenient to code and cost-effective to fund. 

When people talk about cross-platform app development, they usually mean apps that can operate on iOS and Android, the two most popular smartphone operating systems today. 

Examples of Cross-platform App Development Frameworks

To build a cross-platform app, developers must choose frameworks created for this purpose. These frameworks don’t use languages that are native to every OS. Instead, they repackage the code into native containers that can, in turn, communicate with their respective operating systems.

Here are the most popular app development frameworks used for coding mobile applications that run seamlessly on iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase:

  1. Flutter: Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit created by Google. This framework uses a special language called Dart and has different design options, which developers can further customize. With Flutter, devs can make appealing apps that work well on any device. Flutter is also known for being fast and reliable. It produces apps that don’t quickly slow down or suddenly stop working.
  1. React Native: This is another popular framework for cross-platform app development, this time created by Facebook. Renowned for its efficiency and code reusability, React Native employs a component-based architecture, enabling developers to make modular and reusable UI elements – a helpful feature for maintaining consistent design patterns throughout the app. Testing and debugging are quick and easy through this framework; developers can access extensive library support and pre-built components and modules. 
  1. Xamarin: Acquired by Microsoft, Xamarin produces native-like applications using the C# programming language. One major advantage of Xamarin is its integration with Visual Studio, a widely-used Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This integration streamlines the development process for developers familiar with Visual Studio, allowing them to build and test their mobile apps using a toolset they know. Another helpful feature is the Forms library, which simplifies the development of user interfaces (UIs) for cross-platform apps.
  1. Kotlin: Kotlin Multiplatform is a software development kit for coding iOS and Android apps. It can be integrated into existing projects. The best part is it allows developers to write platform-specific code. This means they can build native UI components while creating a cross-platform app. Kotlin is easy to use and offers lots of documentation and support from a fast-growing community of loyal developers.
  1. Ionic: This framework uses a mix of web and native technologies and uses JavaScript as its primary programming language. EA Games and T-Mobile are among the high-profile users of the Ionic framework. What’s great about this framework is that it is made specifically for mobile OS. It offers multiple UI elements and uses Cordova and Capacitor plugins, which provide access to a device’s built-in features like its camera, audio recorder, and GPS. Finally, it has a powerful IDE called Ionic Studio, which allows developers to build and prototype apps with minimal coding.

Other Types of App Development 

Knowing other app development approaches will help you understand cross-platform apps better. Let’s briefly review and compare them to cross-platform mobile app development.

  • Native mobile app development makes apps specifically for a particular operating system, like iOS or Android. Developers who create apps natively tailor the front-end and back-end specifically for their chosen OS and use programming languages specific to that OS.
  • Progressive web app development enhances mobile app features with web development solutions. As such, these apps can be accessed through web browsers on desktops, smartphones, and other mobile devices. However, these apps have limited functions on a web browser. Users will still have to download and install the app on their mobile devices to enjoy its functionality fully.
  • Hybrid app development is sometimes used interchangeably with cross-platform app development, but these two are different. Developers write the code for cross-platform apps once and reuse it for other platforms. However, for hybrid apps, they take code written with web development languages like CSS and HTML and embed it into native apps using plugins and frameworks that enable access to native functionalities. The embedded code can then be used for different operating systems, which makes hybrid apps similar to cross-platform apps.

Each type of app development has advantages and disadvantages, and they dictate which method a business should take in making their app. We’ll focus on the advantages and disadvantages of cross-platform app development.

The Pros and Cons of Native and Cross-platform App Development 

Let’s start with the benefits of cross-platform apps and development approach:


Cross-platform apps are convenient from users’ point of view because they are supported on all platforms, so they are likely available on all major mobile app marketplaces like Apple Store and Play Store. Users can download and install them no matter which manufacturer their smartphone and mobile devices are from. 


From a developer’s perspective, cross-platform development is the more practical choice because they only have to code once. It saves a lot of time and money compared to creating a native app for every platform where there’s a demand for the app. 

Fast to Launch

Releasing a cross-platform app means users won’t have to wait long for a version to become available on their OS, a common issue with native apps. There have been many cases where users had to wait months, even years, for a company to release a native version of an app. 

For example, when Instagram was first launched in October 2010, it was only available to Apple users. It wasn’t until two years later, in April 2012, that Instagram was finally available to download for Android users. Although Instagram grew to become the world’s most downloaded application, the company missed out on potential income during those two years when Android users couldn’t access the app. 

Easy to Maintain

One would think that maintaining a multi-platform app would be difficult, but it can be simpler than maintaining multiple native apps. Cross-platform frameworks are already programmed to handle platform-specific details, like how an OS processes user input data. The work is simplified, allowing developers to focus on other crucial aspects like user experience (UX) and aesthetics. 

Not being able to program the most minor details of how an app works in a specific OS is an advantage in maintenance because developers are less likely to face the common development pitfalls on every platform. 


Users can have a more consistent experience with cross-platform apps regardless of which OS they use. Suppose a user has an iOS and Android phone and sometimes has to switch between these two devices. Their experience using the app through their iPhone won’t be too different when using their Galaxy. This is advantageous for businesses that target users of both (and other) platforms.

Now let’s discuss the areas in which the other approaches are better and how some of the advantages above have a catch:

Native Apps Perform Better

Cross-platform apps function well enough on any OS that can support it. However, since this approach focuses on common parameters across all platforms, developers may have to sacrifice some functionalities unique to an operating system. As a result, cross-platform apps can’t be too complex or developers will risk it working exceptionally well on one OS but performing terribly on another. The imbalance in performance across operating systems won’t win over users and can make the company behind the app look bad. 

Therefore, native apps generally perform better than cross-platform apps because they are made for the OS where they are installed. They are faster and load better on the small screen. They are more likely to access built-in hardware and features like a phone’s camera, GPS, volume controls, and touch sensors, allowing users to enjoy an app’s features fully. 

Overall, native apps often rank higher than cross-platform apps in terms of performance. The exception would be cross-platform apps with simple designs and straightforward functionalities requiring specs present in all operating systems. 

Limitations on Function and Appearance

Consistency across operating systems can come at a cost: the app would have a standard layout and simple UX. Each OS has its own design guidelines and user interface (UI) elements that apps must follow, so slight differences in how an app appears on various platforms are inevitable. However, since cross-platform frameworks lean towards consistency, developers are also forced to seek uniformity, limiting an app’s appearance and features to what all platforms can reasonably support. Developers may not be able to leverage the full potential of every OS.

Inevitable Dependence on Framework Updates

iOS, Android, and Windows run system upgrades independently. However, since cross-platform apps have the same codebase, developers must rely on framework updates to ensure their app can keep up with the constantly changing OS and hardware specs. If a framework delays its updates for a specific OS, users of that platform may experience app performance issues and glitches. 

This dependency introduces an additional layer of complexity and maintenance for the development team as they have to monitor and adapt their codebase to the evolving landscape of cross-platform tools and underlying platforms.

When to Choose Cross-Platform App Development

Learning what is cross-platform mobile app development and its pros and cons will help you assess if this approach is right for your business. No doubt the decision-making process will be more complex, but to help you out, here are some guidelines to go by:

  • If you have budget and time constraints, cross-platform app development may be the best option. With a shared codebase for multiple platforms, the development costs will be lower than creating separate native apps.
  • If you want an app that you can deliver to your target market right away, building a single codebase that can run on various platforms is key. As long as you choose a framework that rolls out regular and timely updates, maintaining the app across multiple platforms will be easier with the framework’s simultaneous update deployment. 
  • If consistency across platforms is a priority, you’ll have a better chance of achieving it through cross-platform apps.
  • If you want to reach more people and broaden your target audience, you don’t want to focus on just one OS. Launching a cross-platform app on all platforms simultaneously allows you to maximize your market penetration and user engagement. 

Why Invest in a Mobile App?

Sometimes, users can view an app on a web browser and not have to download or install an app. However, the browser view is often minimal and cannot perform crucial functions like scanning a QR code. 

Having a branded app makes everything easier for everyone. Once on an app, customers can focus on the business and its products and services. They can have a more seamless and satisfying experience using the app to book a service or buy a product. Since customer experience is a powerful driver of buying decisions and customer loyalty, a functional app that works exactly as it should can be highly beneficial to a B2C company. 

Leverage mobile apps to grow your audience and your business with the help of Jackrabbit Mobile. We are a Clutch Top 1000 Company and Top Mobile App Developer entrusted with designing and developing mobile applications for different industries like health services, smart home technologies, gaming, and transport. 

We’d love to help you make your ideas for a custom app a reality. Call to schedule a meeting with our experts. 

The post What Is Cross-platform App Development? appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/a-complete-guide-to-mobile-app-development/ Thu, 25 Jan 2024 12:54:54 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10185 Mobile internet usage continues to grow as Internet connectivity becomes more crucial to our everyday lives. No longer just limited to work, study, and research, internet use has now become integral for entertainment, communication, personal banking, shopping, and healthcare services.  Internet usage is classified into three: mobile, tablet, and desktop. Mobile commands 57.87% of the…

The post A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.


Mobile internet usage continues to grow as Internet connectivity becomes more crucial to our everyday lives. No longer just limited to work, study, and research, internet use has now become integral for entertainment, communication, personal banking, shopping, and healthcare services. 

Internet usage is classified into three: mobile, tablet, and desktop. Mobile commands 57.87% of the global market share, eclipsing desktop at 40.2% and tablet at 1.94%. The implication is clear: if you want to be visible and reach more people online, you must appeal to mobile device users. 

As business owners, one of the best ways to establish yourself as a mobile-friendly brand or business is to develop a mobile app. Branded apps have immense potential for promoting growth and increasing revenue. They attract new customers while keeping current ones happy and engaged. With the right strategy, mobile app development can propel your business to greater heights.

To help you navigate this endeavor, we present this guide on how to develop quality and functional mobile apps.

App Development Planning Guide for Businesses

Jackrabbit Mobile’s guide to mobile app development in a nutshell:

  • Pre-Development Checklist 

Complete these requirements to avoid delays during the development phase.

  • Step-by-Step App Development 

A seven-step mobile app development guide for businesses.

  1. Research
  2. Wireframing
  3. Prototyping
  4. UX and UI Designing
  5. Coding
  6. Beta Testing
  7. Deployment
  • How To Screen a Mobile App Development Company 

If mobile app development isn’t your company’s forte, entrust the task to professionals.

Pre-Development Checklist

To start this guide to mobile app development, here’s a quick rundown of the things you need to have or decide on before starting actual development work. 

Assemble a team

The first thing on this checklist is assembling a team to spearhead and make crucial decisions about your app’s design and development. There’s so much that needs to be decided on and done in mobile app development, and it helps to have a core group with various backgrounds and expertise that you can consult in the process. 

For example, you’ll want a product manager with experience developing technical spec sheets, roadmaps, workflows, and managing schedules. 

Here’s a list of the specialists you’ll need for your team:

  • Product Manager
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Mobile App Developer
  • Quality Assurance Specialist
  • Researchers and Beta Testers
  • Product Marketing Lead

Develop your idea

Sometimes, the best app ideas emerge from random musings on an ordinary day. However, a vague idea needs to be fleshed out. This involves thinking about what it can do, and who you are making it for. This is crucial to our mobile app development guide because it will set the tone and direction for the entire project.

  1. Value Proposition – What can you offer that doesn’t already exist on the app markets?
  2. Target Audience / Users – Determine your target users. What consumer problems do you want the app to solve?
  3. Features – Hone in on one or a few problems and how your app can solve them. Avoid trying to make your app do everything or solve everything at once. Even if you pull off the coding, users might be overwhelmed or confused with the excessive features and abandon your app. 
  4. Information architecture – Most apps use data to function correctly. You have to decide what data your app will use, how the data will be stored and displayed, and how users can interact with the data in the app. 
  5. Goals – If you plan for this app to be tied to your business, what are your business goals? To streamline buying and product delivery? Increase subscriptions? Increase sales? Deciding on your goals from the beginning will guide the design and functions of your app.
  6. KPIs – Decide on key performance indicators that will serve as your measuring points for success. Remember that if necessary, you can adjust the KPIs further in the development process.

Choose a platform and tech stack

One of the most crucial parts of this app development planning guide is picking the platform or OS for your app. As discussed at the beginning of this blog, Android and iOS are the most dominant operating systems for mobile devices. Choose the ideal OS based on your target market and other factors like target market demographic, budget, available expertise, time frame, and the features you want to put in your app. 

After deciding on your OS, choose the tech stack your developers will use. Below are some well-known examples:

Create a technical specs sheet

Once you have your goals, main features, OS, and tech stack, you can dive into the specifics of the app. Create a software requirements specifications sheet with a detailed description of the above. The spec sheet is vital because the team will refer to it for guidance as the project progresses. Therefore, it should be as detailed and comprehensive as possible.

Determine a budget and timeline

By this point, your team will already have an idea of how long it will take to build the app and how much it will cost to develop. How much does it cost to create a mobile app? It will depend on the complexity, scope, features, resources (i.e., tools and specialists), overhead costs, and allotted time for creating the app. You may have to be flexible on how much you’re willing to spend, but establishing a budget cap should help the team keep expenses within a reasonable range.

Choose a monetization model

Getting a realistic cost estimate for your app’s development should inspire you to explore monetization options. A monetization strategy is necessary if you have investors or a board of directors who want to see ROI from your app development project.

Here are examples of app monetization strategies:

  • Freemium app model
  • Paid or premium app model
  • Subscriptions
  • Affiliate marketing
  • In-app advertising (ex: interstitial ads, banner ads, gamified ads)
  • Transaction fees
  • In-app currency (ex: tokens with equivalent monetary value)
  • Crowdfunding
  • Integrated email, SMS, and social media marketing

Consider intellectual property licensing

Suppose you came up with a genuinely novel app with the potential to be the next big thing in the app community. If you are confident about your app’s potential, consider applying for a patent or copyright your work. The application can take a long time, so it would be a good idea to start inquiring about the application requirements early on. This also ensures you can fulfill licensing/patenting/copyrighting requirements as you go through development.

Step-by-Step Mobile App Development Guide

Now that you have the building blocks of your application, you can proceed with the app development. Below is a standard procedure that most developers follow.


The team must conduct a thorough market analysis and study your app’s target demographics. They will have already done initial research during the ideation phase and creation of the spec sheet. However, more in-depth research may be necessary if you’re trying to penetrate a dense market with many established competitors. Researchers must delve into user behavior patterns, end gains, pain points, and other factors that can contribute to your app development.


You will see your app slowly take shape during wireframing. The wireframes don’t contain much detail yet, but they will outline the app’s bare bones, so to speak: the structure, layout, navigation, and transitions from feature to feature. Wireframes provide the outline for in-app user experience, and the best part is you can still move things around to find the best architecture that will make the app feel seamless and easy to use.


With the wireframes as a basis, the developers can create a prototype, which is the functional, interactive version of the wireframes. It is a rough sample of the app and will give you a concrete idea of how your app looks and feels like. Prototyping can already shed light on major issues or oversights with the initial ideas for features and functionality, so it is a crucial step in mobile app development.

UX and UI Designing

This phase of the development will be all about the user experience. From the visuals to the execution, the UX and UI specialists will flesh out the app while focusing on the user side of the application. They will explore design elements, color schemes, fonts, layouts, buttons, page transition styles, and more. 

App designers should always aim to create a smooth user interface and enhanced user experience. UX and UI are critical factors for the success or failure of a mobile app. Avoid rushing the design stage and let the experts produce a unique app that will be a joy to use.


With the design and structure finalized, developers can finally get to work and build the app. However, coding and designing aren’t entirely separate; developers might suggest changes in the design if they find the implementation difficult or impossible, given the available time or resources. Conversely, the UX and UI designers can consult the developers as they finalize the overall app design.

Beta Testing and Analysis

Once developers are done, the app must be thoroughly tested and explored to uncover bugs, design flaws, errors, and other potential issues. Recruiting beta testers who weren’t involved in the production would be wise: they can give unbiased feedback and point out concerns the development team might have overlooked. 

The most important part of beta testing is collecting feedback and fixing the problems raised by the testers. Usability, security, mobile device compatibility, and overall performance are crucial areas to look into during testing. 


When all bugs are fixed, and all pre-launch criteria are met, the app will be ready for deployment. However, the work doesn’t entirely end here. Vital user feedback and recommendations will emerge in the next few days, weeks, and months. Use the information to improve the app, perhaps by adding new and in-demand features and removing functionalities that users don’t find helpful. 

Developing a mobile app takes a lot of work and resources. But, if done strategically and smartly, mobile app development can be advantageous for its investors and affiliated brands and businesses.

Work With a Reputable Mobile App Development Company 

If it’s your first time developing a mobile app or if you prefer to entrust its creation to experienced professionals, hire an established mobile app development company with a reputation for satisfying clients and creating highly functional apps. 

A partnership with a seasoned mobile app developer can support your goals for business expansion. You’ll want a partner that shares your goals and acknowledges your limitations but doesn’t let the latter get in the way of innovation or achieving remarkable results.

Jackrabbit Mobile is perfect for this role. We offer custom app development solutions, helping clients achieve significant milestones with our expertise and hardworking team. We work with business owners, non-profits, and enterprising individuals who need our expertise to realize their ideas.

If this is a venture you’re interested in or if you want to know more about the process, reach out to our team here at Jackrabbit Mobile. We have worked with businesses and entrepreneurs from various industries, creating highly functional, branded apps that helped them achieve their business goals. 

We can do the same for you. Contact Jackrabbit Mobile today. 

The post A Complete Guide to Mobile App Development appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

Comprehensive Guide To Mobile App Design https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/comprehensive-guide-to-mobile-app-design/ Wed, 24 Jan 2024 23:40:39 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10180 Smartphone usage is at an all-time high, with users spending an average of 5.01 hours daily on their mobile devices. Yet, 24% of apps are used only once after installation, while 57% are deleted within a month. Why is this happening? A common culprit is poor mobile app design. Smartphone users seek convenience and efficiency.…

The post Comprehensive Guide To Mobile App Design appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

Smartphone usage is at an all-time high, with users spending an average of 5.01 hours daily on their mobile devices. Yet, 24% of apps are used only once after installation, while 57% are deleted within a month.

Why is this happening? A common culprit is poor mobile app design.

Smartphone users seek convenience and efficiency. As such, a well-designed app can significantly impact its user engagement and retention rates.

However, creating a successful mobile app design involves various components and considerations. From understanding your target audience to incorporating user experience and interface (UX/UI) design, there is a lot to unpack.

In this guide, we uncover mobile app design basics and provide practical tips to help you create an engaging, user-friendly, and successful app.

What Is Mobile App Design?

Mobile app design is creating a mobile application that works seamlessly on different devices, such as smartphones and tablets. It involves designing for two components – user experience (UX) and user interface (UI).

  • UX design involves creating a positive and enjoyable experience for the user while using the app. This includes understanding their needs, preferences, and behavior patterns to create an intuitive app that meets their expectations.
  • UI design focuses on how the app looks and feels. It covers everything from color schemes and typography to buttons, icons, and other visual elements that make the app appealing and easy to navigate.

When combined, these two components determine how users interact with an app and whether they will continue using it.

Mobile App vs. Website Design: What’s the Difference?

While mobile apps and websites offer similar functions, there are some key differences in their design process.

Screen Sizes

When designing for mobile, the available screen real estate is significantly less compared to a desktop or laptop. Constraints like these require designers to prioritize key features and content, ensuring the most important information is accessible to users without excessive scrolling or navigation.

Further, mobile app development often involves innovative strategies such as collapsible menus, minimalistic design elements, and intuitive touch controls.

Mobile Hardware

Mobile apps can leverage various hardware capabilities that websites may not fully utilize. Finger gestures like swipe, pinch, and tap introduce a range of interactive possibilities. Accelerometers allow developers to incorporate motion-based user interactions, while geolocation enables location-specific features.

This creates a more immersive and personalized user experience, setting mobile apps apart from their website counterparts.


Unlike website development requiring constant internet connectivity, mobile apps offer significant functionality, even offline functionality. This is especially crucial for users in areas with unreliable internet connections.

Designers must consider how the app functions in both scenarios, ensuring users can access essential features without internet access.

Operating Systems

Mobile apps can leverage their respective operating systems’ unique features and services. These built-in features often aid in user experience and monetization strategies. For example, in-app purchases and subscriptions, facilitated seamlessly through app stores, provide an effective revenue generation model for many mobile apps.


Mobile apps support high-quality animations and transitions, giving designers a unique tool to enhance user experience. Smooth transitions can guide users, provide feedback, and maintain continuity as users navigate the app. 

Popular screen design tools often provide a palette of pre-designed transitions, reducing development time and ensuring a professional and consistent look and feel.

SVG Support

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is one feature that is not available in mobile app design. SVG files are supported on all modern browsers, but that support does not extend to mobile apps. The closest equivalent is 2x images, which provide higher resolution assets for retina displays.

Optimizing for Different Platforms – iOS vs. Android

Designing for multiple platforms is essential for reaching a broader user base and offering an inclusive experience. The two main mobile operating systems are iOS, which powers Apple devices, and Android, which powers most other smartphone brands.

Here are some key differences between iOS and Android app design:

  • Design Guidelines: Both operating systems have specific guidelines for designing apps. Apple refers to its guidelines as the Human Interface Guidelines, while Google’s guidelines are called Material Design. Following these guidelines helps ensure consistency and familiarity for users.
  • Device Resolutions: iOS mobile app development requires design assets for three resolutions: 1x, 2x, and 3x. For Android mobile apps, designers must consider 1x, 1.5x, 2x, 3x, and 4x.
  • Design Elements: Apple often employs a sleek, minimalist aesthetic, while Android utilizes a more vibrant and colorful design approach.
  • App Integration: Apple offers a more closed ecosystem, limiting integration with third-party apps. In comparison, Android provides more flexibility for app integration and sharing data between applications.
  • Device Pairing: With iOS devices, apps must readily integrate with iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, and more, while Android should sync with wearables, tablets, VR tools, etc.

Best Practices in Mobile App Design

When it comes to mobile app design, adhering to best practices is crucial in creating an intuitive, engaging, and user-friendly app. Here are some of the key best practices to keep in mind:

Avoid Clutter

Mobile screens have limited space, so keeping design elements and navigation simple is essential. Avoid clutter by using minimalistic design principles and prioritizing key features.

Design for Touch Interactions

Unlike desktops or laptops, mobile devices primarily rely on touch interactions. As such, designers must consider how users interact with their apps using fingers rather than a mouse. Designing for touch can include larger buttons, intuitive gestures, and easy navigation.

Keep Load Times in Mind

Mobile users expect quick loading times. Optimizing images, using efficient coding practices, and minimizing the number of features can help improve load times for a better user experience.

Ensure Consistency

Consistency in design elements such as color schemes, fonts, and layout is essential for building a strong brand identity and creating an intuitive app experience. Users should feel comfortable navigating your app from any screen without confusion.

Optimize for Usability

Prioritize usability in your design. This involves ensuring the app is easy to use and navigate, with clear calls to action (CTA), easily accessible menus, and intuitive user flows.

User Feedback

Provide immediate feedback to user interactions through visual cues, sound, or vibration. Doing so gives users a sense of control and helps them understand the app’s functionality.

Improve Accessibility

Ensure your app is accessible for users of all abilities, including those with vision or hearing impairments. This can include features such as adjustable text sizes and audio descriptions.

Conduct Testing

Usability testing is vital to uncovering any user experience issues in your app. Conduct user testing with real users, gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to improve overall app design usability.

Create High-Converting Mobile App Designs With Jackrabbit Mobile

Mobile app design requires careful consideration of various factors, including user experience, operating systems, and best practices. At Jackrabbit Mobile, we create intuitive, high-functioning mobile app designs that drive results.

Our mobile app design services include everything from wireframing to prototyping and testing to ensure your app is optimized for usability and engagement. We also consider the unique features and guidelines of iOS and Android to ensure your app stands out on both platforms.

Partner with Jackrabbit Mobile for expert mobile app design services that elevate your brand and drive conversions. Contact us today to get started! 

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Jackrabbit Mobile Recognized on the Clutch 1000 List for 2023 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/jackrabbit-mobile-recognized-on-clutch-1000-list-for-2023/ Thu, 14 Dec 2023 19:56:05 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10144 We're excited to share that Jackrabbit Mobile was recognized on Clutch 1000 List for 2023 out of 280,000 companies!

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Jackrabbit Mobile ranks among the top B2B companies globally out of 280,000

Jackrabbit Mobile, a bespoke custom software development company, today announced its inclusion in the Clutch 1000 list from Clutch, the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers. The Clutch 1000 is an exclusive ranking highlighting the top 1000 highest-rated business service providers on the platform out of more than 280,000 total providers worldwide. 

Honorees are selected based on four key criteria:

  • Quantity, quality, and recency of verified Clutch reviews
  • Diversity and scope of clientele and portfolio of work 
  • Robust company profile with competitive specializations and considerable experience
  • Strong brand awareness and industry recognition 

Jackrabbit Mobile is honored to have earned a spot on the prestigious Clutch 1000 list, representing the pinnacle of excellence among B2B companies worldwide. This recognition underscores our commitment to delivering exceptional service and nurturing client relationships. We’re proud to be listed as a top service provider on the Clutch platform among many successful companies. “The Clutch 1000 is one of the most prestigious awards a service provider on Clutch can earn,” said Sonny Ganguly, CEO of Clutch. “By featuring these top 1000 companies, we aim to connect businesses with the right service providers for their goals and, in turn, accelerate their own growth. Congratulations to these service providers for not only this recognition but for their steadfast commitment to delivering value for their clients.”

View the complete list of 2023 Clutch 1000 honorees here.

Jackrabbit Mobile has been recognized many times over the years by Clutch, The Manifest, and other outlets as a global leader in custom software development. Learn more about our UX/UI design, Android development, iOS development, and web development processes on our website.

View our recent work and reviews on our Clutch profile here.

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Jackrabbit Mobile Recognized as a Clutch Global Leader for 2023 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/jackrabbit-mobile-recognized-as-a-clutch-global-leader-for-2023/ Fri, 08 Dec 2023 20:19:42 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10136 We're excited to share that we've once again been recognized as a global leading company on Clutch for Fall 2023!

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Jackrabbit Mobile named a top B2B company for mobile and web app development services

Jackrabbit Mobile, a custom bespoke software development agency, today announced its recognition as a 2023 Global Award winner for mobile app and web development services on Clutch, the leading global marketplace of B2B service providers. Honorees are selected based on their industry expertise and ability to deliver, scores that are calculated based on the client feedback from thousands of reviews published on Clutch. For the sixth consecutive year, Clutch has honored its top B2B companies with the Global Award designation.

Jackrabbit Mobile is honored to be recognized as a 2023 Fall Clutch Global Award winner. This award is a testament to the excellent client work we have delivered this year as recognized through the voice of our customers in their reviews on Clutch. We’re proud to be recognized as a custom app development leader on a global scale. Clutch Global Awards showcases the very best in the B2B services industry worldwide.

“I’m delighted for our team to be recognized by Clutch as a leader in B2B services worldwide. It’s a testament to our hard work and commitment to delivering excellent service and digital solutions for our clients.”

-Mary Maltbie, CEO

Jackrabbit is recognized as a top US-based web and mobile app design and development company that works with clients to define and build truly bespoke custom digital products that solve their business needs. Our experienced team has successfully launched 50+ apps over 10+ years in industries ranging from non-profit to B2B services to entertainment with clients such as The Miracle Foundation, Belong Gaming, The University of Texas at Austin, Recipeasy, and Core Spaces.

“We are thrilled to showcase the incredible success of leading companies worldwide on our platform,” said Sonny Ganguly, Clutch CEO. “Their dedication to delivering outstanding services has not only contributed to their own success but has also empowered countless clients to thrive. We aim to highlight this year’s industry frontrunners and facilitate connections for Clutch users seeking top-notch services tailored to their specific needs.”

Jackrabbit Mobile has been recognized many times over the years by Clutch, The Manifest, and other outlets as a global leader in custom software development. Learn more about our UX/UI design, Android development, iOS development, and web development processes on our website.

View our recent work and reviews on our Clutch profile here.

The post Jackrabbit Mobile Recognized as a Clutch Global Leader for 2023 appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

Android vs iOS App Development: What You Need to Know https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/android-vs-ios-app-development-what-you-need-to-know/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 16:18:52 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10138 Branded apps are invaluable tools for engaging customers and generating revenue through digital channels. An app can amplify your leads and sales if you are engaging in search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other popular online marketing strategies.  Modern-day consumers are highly inclined to use digital platforms. If they want to know about something,…

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Branded apps are invaluable tools for engaging customers and generating revenue through digital channels. An app can amplify your leads and sales if you are engaging in search engine optimization, social media marketing, and other popular online marketing strategies. 

Modern-day consumers are highly inclined to use digital platforms. If they want to know about something, read reviews, find a store, or order a product online, they can do so in one go through on their mobile phones or desktops. A branded app can give your business an advantage because, with just one or more taps, customers can review your products, add them to their carts, and then head to checkout.  

The convenience of buying through branded mobile apps is a huge incentive for consumers to buy from a specific online store. People tend to patronize brands that give them a pleasant and satisfying online experience, and apps play a big role in this endeavor. 

Investing in Android and iOS app development can pay off tremendously. But to get the most of its benefits, you may have to decide if creating an app for Android, iOS, or both is better. To help you in this matter, let’s discuss the differences between Android vs. iOS app development and the opportunities these apps can offer to your business.

What’s the Difference Between iOS and Android Development?

When creating an app, developers often must choose between today’s two biggest platforms: iOS and Android. Before anything else, here are a few quick facts about them:

  • Android is the most widely used platform in the world. It commands 70.77% of the global market as of August 2023.
  • iOS’s global market share is 28.52% as of August 2023.
  • iOS is more prevalent in the United States (57%) than Android (41%).
  • iOS is also more popular in Japan, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
  • Android is more widely used in India, Brazil, Mexico, and China.
  • iOS users have a higher average salary than Android users.
  • iOS’s top users are Millennials and Gen Z’s.
  • Android’s top users are Gen X’s and Gen Z’s.

Depending on the nature of your business, products, services, or target demographics, these statistics can help you make the best choice between Android vs. iOS development. Of course, understanding your target market is key to knowing where your investment can yield the highest returns.

How does Android vs. iOS app development differ, and which is better? 

In short, there is no definitive answer. Each platform has its weaknesses and strengths and various use cases that can benefit businesses differently. The answer is unique to every business, but even one organization can find many incentives from both platforms.

Therefore, it would be wise to consider the differences between Android vs. iOS app development and weigh the pros and cons specific to your circumstances. 

Five Key Differences Between Android and iOS App Development

Here are the top five factors that matter the most for businesses and web developers contemplating which platform is best for their branded app.

1. Programming Languages

The first difference between iOS and Android development that you should know about is they use different programming languages. 

Android uses Java or Kotlin. Java is a globally popular programming language and has been commonly used in creating apps since early 2000. It is also widely taught in high schools and colleges worldwide. Java is the programming language of choice for enterprise applications because it creates highly stable and secure apps. As for Kotlin, it runs on Java Virtual Machine and is considered the better version of Java by many. Kotlin fixes the limitations and issues with Java, creates apps that crash less often, and the language is more straightforward and easy to understand, even for someone who doesn’t know how to code.

iOS uses Swift or Objective-C. Apps created with Swift are faster and generally perform better than those made with Objective-C. Swift is also an easy programming language to learn, which explains why many say it’s easier to develop iOS applications than Android. But for developers prioritizing stability and performance, Objective-C is usually more appealing because it is the first iOS programming language, is tried and tested to create stable and reliable apps, and has a large community of experienced developers who continue to use and praise it. 

2. Platform Architecture

Another fundamental difference between Android vs iOS development is that developers must consider the underlying architecture for each platform. 

Android is an open-source operating system (OS), which is advantageous because of its flexibility. Android apps can adapt to a wide range of devices, partly because Android is so widely used for smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. Unfortunately, the versatility of the platform can make things difficult for developers. Since there is a high possibility that Android apps will be downloaded and installed on diverse gadgets, developers are forced to consider a broader range of screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities. 

There is also a higher risk of device fragmentation – a phenomenon wherein an app is used on a diverse range of devices, browsers, and OS versions. Device fragmentation often leads to polarized app ratings and reviews because people with more compatible devices will have a stellar experience. In contrast, users with older devices will encounter a buggy and sluggish app. 

iOS, on the other hand, is exclusive to Apple devices. Although device fragmentation can still occur, it will be at a much narrower range compared to Android app users. The exclusivity of Apple devices also creates a more uniform user experience. Apart from screen size variations, iOS app developers will easily optimize their apps for different Apple devices. iOS is more convenient this way, so, unsurprisingly, many developers favor it when considering platform architecture in Android and iOS app development. 

3. Timeframe and Development Costs

Let’s consider that iOS apps are easier to code, and developers have fewer variations and fragmentation to worry about. It follows that iOS apps take a shorter time to create and cost less to develop than Android apps. 

Android is usually more time-consuming because, as mentioned above, developers must consider a wider variety of screen sizes and specifications and do extensive testing across different devices. The Android platform’s diverse ecosystem and the need to address fragmentation often result in longer development cycles. Additionally, Android allows greater customization, which is advantageous from a different perspective, but not so much if you have a short timeframe or limited budget.

In contrast, iOS app development is more streamlined because there’s less device variation, and the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are more consistent. This is why developers can bring new iOS apps to the market much faster, while Android users often have to wait some weeks or months before an Android-compatible version of the app becomes available. Similarly, iOS apps cost less time and money to maintain and troubleshoot. 

However, some aspects of iOS app development can offset its presumed cost savings and increase the total expenses for developing Apple-compatible apps. For example, Swift may be easy to learn, but far fewer developers are proficient in this programming language. By the law of scarcity and demand, choosing Swift as a programming language can lead to higher development costs. 

Apple’s review process for apps is another contributing factor to iOS development costs. The App Store is known for having a strict review process and guidelines to ensure that Apple users have access to high-quality, high-performing applications. Apple also has strict rules for security and compliance, demanding that applications provide a safe user experience. Depending on the review’s outcome, developers might have to do many revisions, extending the project timeline and increasing the development cost.

When weighing the pros of Android vs. iOS app development, you must consider these things if time and capital are a huge concern. 

4. Design Philosophies for UX/UI

When planning an app, you’ll no doubt have some ideas about the aesthetics and functionality, like how it looks and flows from one page to another. App developers and designers will help flesh out those ideas and create a prototype that demonstrates the UX and UI that you want for your app. 

Consider your aesthetic and UX/UI preferences when choosing between iOS and Android. This is because these platforms have different design philosophies and languages. What you want your app to look like might be more suited to one platform instead of the other. 

Android’s design language is Material Design. Google created it and is known for supporting onscreen touch experiences that mimic real-world motions and objects. The philosophy behind this is that mimicking the physical world reduces app users’ cognitive loads because the visuals are familiar and predictable. Android app designers use 3D effects and animations and observe natural lighting rules to make an app feel “real.” This usually translates to CTA buttons looking like realistic keyboard buttons. 

The equivalent for iOS is Apple’s HIG or Human Interface Guidelines. It is a comprehensive guide that covers all visual design elements like color, spacing, typography, and navigational cues. The HIG is focused on simplicity, clarity, and intuitive navigation. But whereas the Android platform encourages creativity and flexibility in injecting “realness” into app designs, Apple is more selective with its app aesthetics. Based on the HIG, it is clear that Apple wants to achieve a consistent “look” that distinguishes iOS apps from others. 

Creatives might find the design guidelines for iOS restrictive. Still, there is an advantage to maintaining consistency: it gives users a more seamless experience even if they switch from one device to another. Ironically, this is where Apple’s HIG mirrors the principle of Material Design: familiarity and predictability allow users to navigate an app more comfortably and easily. 

5. Monetization Options

As a business owner, you’ll want to optimize your app and recoup your investment by maximizing it for sales generation. There are many ways to do this, as evidenced by the different monetization approaches on iOS and Android platforms.

Most Android apps follow a “freemium model” wherein users can download and use the app for free. However, they’ll have to pay an additional fee to enjoy more advanced features. Many Android apps also support advertisements, giving app owners an additional revenue stream.

Many iOS apps are the opposite: they charge an upfront fee (and sometimes with a monthly subscription). Users have to buy them to be able to use them. Given the App Store’s stringent screening process, the incentive for buying is the promise of quality and superior performance. Making users buy apps also demonstrates the presumed buying power and expected behavior of Apple users: many are willing to spend more if it means they get high-quality products and services.

As a business owner or developer, deciding on Android vs. iOS based on monetization depends on your business plan and revenue model. If you intend revenue generation to occur at the beginning of the customer experience by attracting longtime subscribers instead of one-time users, creating apps for the App Store might be the better choice. If, however, your sales plan banks on attracting as many users as possible and generating passive income through in-app advertising, Android apps are the way to go. 

Choose the Platform That Offers the Best Benefits to Your Business

Weighing the pros and cons of Android vs. iOS development takes a lot of study and requires understanding your business and target market. It’s an important decision that merits consulting experts and app design and development specialists.

We are happy to offer our expertise in these matters at Jackrabbit Mobile. Our product development and design experts can help you craft meaningful user experiences that foster trust and loyalty between customers and your brand. We develop website and mobile applications for different industries, assisting clients to build their dream apps from scratch. 

Leverage our expertise in iOS and Android app development and create apps that will bring your business more engagement, publicity, leads, or revenues. 

Contact Jackrabbit Mobile today. 

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Mobile App Design Trends for 2024 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/mobile-app-design-trends-for-2024/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 18:58:20 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10123 Mobile apps are developing and evolving at an incredibly rapid rate. Many factors contribute to this, including the increasing rollout of new smartphones, smart TVs, smart projectors, etc. As more consumers upgrade to newer devices, app developers must also step up their game and meet the minimum technical specifications new phones and gadgets demand. More…

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Mobile apps are developing and evolving at an incredibly rapid rate. Many factors contribute to this, including the increasing rollout of new smartphones, smart TVs, smart projectors, etc. As more consumers upgrade to newer devices, app developers must also step up their game and meet the minimum technical specifications new phones and gadgets demand. More importantly, they must meet customer expectations.

Considering technological advancement and user demand, here are the top mobile app design trends we can look forward to in 2024.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

iOS mobile phone users are the majority in the United States, but Android is the leader elsewhere in the world. If you have a global target audience, your apps must be compatible with iOS, Android, and other operating systems. 

Even if you are mainly targeting North American consumers, you would be remiss to gatekeep your products and services by making them available only to iOS devices when you can expand your market beyond Apple users. Fortunately, app developers are now more inclusive and use cross-platform development frameworks to cater to as many platforms as possible. 

Dark Mode

Scrolling on social media or browsing the web just before sleep has become part of our everyday lives. It also made dark mode more popular as the reduced light from mobile phone screens minimizes the strain on our eyes. It is an already-popular app design that will likely continue to trend next year.

Minimalism with Neomorphism

Minimalism is making its mark across all aspects of life, from home interior design to wardrobes to lifestyles – and yes, to mobile apps. Most people regard clean, fuss-free interfaces as professional, which increases their appeal. Navigation-wise, minimalist designs are easier to understand on first use, giving users a good first impression of an app. 

Adding neomorphism to the mix enhances the experience. Neomorphism is a design trend that became popular among UI/UX developers because it adds a touch of realism to a flat, 2D interface. For example, neomorphic buttons mirror their real-life counterparts: they appear realistically protruding instead of simply floating on the page, and once clicked, they appear recessed or dented into the background, just like a physical button that sinks when pressed. 

Many UI designers have been combining these two design principles, and people love it. Therefore, minimalism and neomorphism are high on our mobile app design trends list.

Flat Design

This design trend is also inspired by minimalism. The name may give an opposite impression, but a “flat” design can be engaging and vibrant. Designers can use bright colors and quirky typography while maintaining its 2D visuals: no shadows, no gradients, just clean lines and shapes. 

Flat designs are ideal for mobile apps in which clarity and presentation of data are more important than flashy visuals. Examples are banking and finance apps, note apps, scheduling apps, activity trackers, etc. 

Abstract Geometric Designs

Still in line with visual minimalism, we can expect mobile apps to showcase abstract geometry to elevate simplicity in design. Abstract geometry suits most industries, from lifestyle to corporate. Along with perfectly matching typography, abstract designs from various geometric shapes can feel formal and professional without looking boring. This is one of the more exciting mobile app design trends to look forward to next year. 

3D Graphics

A contender to minimalism and flat design, 3D art has captured the attention of brands and mobile app designers who prefer more visually engaging and potentially interactive design elements. 3D graphics and animations are great if you want a futuristic look or to improve user experience using hyper realistic media. 

5G-Compatible Features

Telecom networks and manufacturers of mobile phones, televisions, and Internet of Things devices have already started developing products that support 5G networks. The progression towards adopting 5G is inevitable: everybody wants it because it offers lightning speeds and ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC). For context on how fast 5zg is, 4G’s peak speed is 1G; 5G’s is 20G. 

Tech-savvy brands will take advantage of 5G capabilities to give customers a much-improved experience on their branded apps. They now have an opportunity to deliver seamless operations, faster downloads, smoother streaming, and more. 

Voice as Input Control

Mobile app input controls are no longer limited to buttons and text zones. We can now also use voice. Siri and Alexa set the precedent, and with the widespread adoption of the Internet of Things in households, commercial establishments, and offices, mobile app users are now comfortable using voice-enabled devices. Telling a room to turn on or dim the lights, play a specific song, or lock the doors is no longer something you only see in movies; it is very much our present reality. 

Mobile app developers can tap into consumers’ increasing use of voice-based smart assistants and integrate the technology into their applications. The banking sector is surprisingly one of the avid consumers of voice smart assistants, and we can expect banking apps to start adding a “speak now” microphone button into their interfaces in the coming months. 

Full-Screen Graphics

Some mobile apps benefit from offering immersive user experiences. Using full-screen graphics is one way to do that. Spotify took this a step further and integrated full-screen videos playing in the background when listening to songs with music videos. 

Expanding media files edge-to-edge, from top to bottom or side to side without frames, looks attractive and draws the users’ attention to the screen. Since it helps increase app engagement and prolong active usage, full-screen graphics are unsurprisingly one of the most popular mobile app trends to emerge this year and will likely continue next year.

Passwordless Logins

Accessibility is always a priority for mobile app developers and designers. One type of innovation that stemmed from the need to simplify logins without compromising security is eliminating passwords. Apps that allow users to log in using an active social media or email account are much more convenient and attractive to people tired of memorizing another password. 

If your audience is comfortable going passwordless and doesn’t see the need for stricter security like two-factor authentication, this trend will benefit you. 

Gamification Elements

Brands and enterprises have become more aware of the benefits of engaging their core markets through branded mobile apps. Transporting audiences from social media platforms into your website or mobile app ensures you have all their focus and attention, making it easier to promote new products or upsell items that complement their most recent purchase. But to do this, brands need customers to stay on their apps. 

Gamification or adding game elements to the user experience is an excellent way to make people stay and continue using an app. Educational apps like Duolingo have perfected this. By offering badges for completing a level, users feel they are making progress and are rewarded for it. This makes them want to continue, conquer higher levels, and collect more badges. 

Social media also adds value to gamified features as people today love to share their interests and progress in anything – gaming, learning a new skill, completing a milestone, or ticking off an item on their bucket list. Gamification with social media integration is one of the app design trends in 2024 worth exploring.  

Green Tech

In an era of growing environmental awareness, the public favors enterprises that promote sustainable business practices, including mobile app development. Apps requiring less energy or bandwidth will appeal to environmentally conscious consumers. If this is a market you want to target, it would be a wise idea to incorporate green technology and design elements that reduce energy consumption, aka., don’t drain batteries fast.

There are more app design trends in 2024 to explore and consider for your mobile app. If you represent a brand or company or are an enterprising app developer with plenty of ideas for a mobile app but need more experience or technical expertise, contact Jackrabbit Mobile.

We are a mobile and desktop app development company that uses advanced technologies like machine learning to create satisfying digital experiences for our clients’ clients. We help companies, professionals, business owners, and organizations build their dream apps. Our UI and UX specialists will help you design apps to help your business build meaningful, lasting relationships with your customers.

Contact us, and let’s build an app to take your business further in 2024 and beyond. 

The post Mobile App Design Trends for 2024 appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform and Progressive App Development https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/pros-and-cons-of-cross-platform-and-progressive-app-development/ Mon, 16 Oct 2023 17:50:25 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10117 Mobile apps are widely used in today’s tech-forward society. From online shopping to managing smart devices at home, people are acknowledging and making the most of mobile applications to make life easier. With app usage becoming second nature to everyone, it is unsurprising that many enterprises and organizations want to tap into mobile app development.…

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Mobile apps are widely used in today’s tech-forward society. From online shopping to managing smart devices at home, people are acknowledging and making the most of mobile applications to make life easier.

With app usage becoming second nature to everyone, it is unsurprising that many enterprises and organizations want to tap into mobile app development. Apps enhance customer experience. They enable users to interact directly with a brand or business, create and manage personal accounts, perform financial transactions through secure, regulated channels, and more. Instead of going to a store to buy an item or filling out paperwork, people can do these things remotely and digitally, thanks to mobile apps

There are two main approaches to app development today: cross-platform mobile development and progressive web app development. In this article, let’s discuss both, along with their respective pros and cons. 

What Is Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

A few years ago, game developers, business owners, and companies that wanted to build a branded app could only do so natively. Developers could only create apps exclusively for an operating system, primarily iOS or Android. If they wanted to cater to users of both OS systems, they had to build their apps twice. 

Fortunately, things have improved today. We now have frameworks that allow developers to build applications that will work on iOS, Android, and other operating systems in one go. 

Cross-platform mobile app development is creating apps users can download, install, and use across various platforms and operating systems, including web browsers. Any modifications necessary to make an app function smoothly on a specific platform will be minimal. 

Cross-platform mobile app development offers a more streamlined process than building native mobile apps. Hence, it is the preferred approach to app development today. 

Which Framework Is Best for Cross-Platform Mobile Development?

If you opt for cross-platform mobile development, here are some programming frameworks or platforms that developers use to build these apps:

  1. Ionic – One of the most popular cross-platform app frameworks, Ionic is based on Angular JS and is ideal for creating hybrid apps. Developers can combine several programming languages, including Javascript, CSS, and HTML5.
  2. Flutter – Google developed this software development kit and gave it a rich array of customizable widgets. Flutter uses Dart programming language and is excellent for building visually appealing applications.
  3. React Native – This is another highly-rated framework that many businesses and seasoned developers use. Formerly supported by Facebook, React Native uses JavaScript, allowing developers to write actual code and build apps that look and feel like native mobile applications. 
  4. Xamarin – Developed by Microsoft, this framework is different from the others in that it uses C# programming language and .Net open-source developer platform instead of JavaScript and HTML. Xamarin is the preferred platform for building apps for Android, Windows, and iOS. 
  5. Phone Gap – Also known as Cordova, this cross-platform framework allows developers to share their work via the cloud as early as the development stage. It uses CSS, JavaScript, and HTML5. Apps created on Phone Gap can support built-in mobile device features like the camera, phonebook, GPS, and storage. 

What Is Progressive Web App Development?

Progressive web app development, or PWA, is another popular approach to app development. PWA bridges the gap between native apps running impeccably on a specific platform and users who want to use them but don’t own OS-compatible devices. PWA apps are web browser-based and designed to look, feel, and function like a mobile app. Users don’t have to download or install anything because they can access the app on their web browser and even use it offline. 

PWAs are the most accessible apps because people can use them regardless of their operating system. Therefore, progressive web app development is a sound strategy for app developers who want the ease of use and reliability of native apps and the accessibility of cross-platform apps. 

Now that you know the two primary app development methods, let’s delve into their pros and cons to gauge which approach is best for you or your organization.

Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development


  • Cost-effective – Developers can reuse a significant portion of their codebase to develop an app that works across multiple platforms. As a result, they work far fewer hours than if they were to build a native version of an app for every platform. This drives development costs down.
  • Faster development and deployment – Since developers are essentially building and maintaining just one codebase, they can deploy apps more quickly and make them accessible across platforms and operating systems in a much shorter time than if they develop native apps. 
  • Wider reach – There are far fewer limitations to one’s reach with cross-platform mobile apps. Data from StatCounter shows that Android users constitute 70.89% of the global market share, while iOS takes up 28.36%. However, iOS is more dominant in the US, with 57.39% of Americans being Apple users and 42.27% being Android users. Creating native apps would mean catering to one market while isolating another. But with cross-platform apps, you can cater to all regardless of which mobile brand they use.
  • Easier maintenance – Maintaining and debugging one codebase is far easier than managing numerous codebases simultaneously. This also brings us back to cost efficiency as it requires fewer specialists to look after one cross-platform app than multiple native apps.
  • Consistent UI and UX – Cross-platform apps adapt to every platform and OS, offering people a uniform and equally satisfying user experience. You won’t be accused of favoring a specific group of customers because your app loads faster or has a better interface in either iOS or Android. 


  • UI and feature limitations – Even though cross-platform apps work on all operating systems, native apps still offer the highest rate in performance, UI, speed, etc. Some features may have to be sacrificed for each platform, too. For example, an app feature that works perfectly on Samsung devices can be buggy on Apple phones and vice versa.
  • Platform-specific adjustments – This is directly related to the one above. Developers must find workarounds for their app’s limitations on each platform or operating system.
  • Longer loading time – Cross-platform apps tend to load more slowly than native apps.

Pros and Cons of Progressive Web App Development


  • Accessibility – PWAs are far more accessible than native or cross-platform applications. They eliminate the necessity of a specific OS or app store. Users can benefit from a progressive web app as long as their devices can load applications on a web browser.
  • Fast load times – These apps are like websites that use caching, so they load quickly and use less bandwidth whenever they open the app again. 
  • Offline usability – Because PWAs can store resources locally in a user’s device (just like an open web page on a computer), they can work despite poor connection or if there’s no Internet service at all. Their offline functionality sets PWAs apart from ordinary websites and most mobile apps.
  • SEO-friendly – Unlike mobile apps, PWAs can be indexed by search engines. This means they can appear in search engine results pages (SERPs) and be more visible to your target audience.
  • Uniform updates – Developers won’t have to deal with platform-specific limitations. They only have to look after one web-based app, and users across operating systems will enjoy all updates they roll out. 


  • Limited features – Since PWAs are web-based, some can’t utilize useful features that would only work for traditional apps. For example, they may be unable to access your phone’s contact list, gallery, or files. PWAs that can utilize certain mobile features will likely require administrator access or permission first, making the user experience less smooth than native and cross-platform apps.
  • Browser dependency – Web browsers can affect the performance and speed of PWAs. Developers will have to test various browsers to ensure consistency in functionality.
  • Limited push notifications – One of the advantages of traditional mobile apps is that they can notify users with an alarm, vibration alert, or both. Some PWAs can provide push notifications that appear on the screen. However, they are less versatile, slower, and often not customizable. 

Is Progressive Web App the Future of Web Development?

Given the advantages progressive web applications offer, progressive web app development will continue to be utilized in the future. It offers several benefits over native and cross-platform web app development, primarily search engine discoverability. 

However, it would be unwise to disregard cross-platform mobile development, or even native app development. All these approaches have cons and benefits, and their differences mean they cater to different needs and situations. Moreover, certain apps are best suited for web browsers, while others are best created as native or cross-platform apps. 

The best app development method will depend on your project’s requirements, goals, target audience, and future plans for your app.

Create High-Performance Mobile Apps with Jackrabbit Mobile

If you are in the market for mobile app development companies that can realize your vision of a highly functional and innovative app, Jackrabbit Mobile will be an excellent choice.

You can find app developers anywhere, but product development experts who have spent years working with business owners, brands, and non-profits don’t come by often. Fortunately, you can work with such professionals here at Jackrabbit Mobile. Our company is essentially a development hub offering full-service solutions for app development. We handle every stage of app development, from prototype design to post-launch maintenance. 

Whatever your goals for your app – whether it’s for marketing, providing a secure online buying portal for your customers, or delivering customer service assistance – our developers can help you achieve them. 

Fill out our contact form to get started!      

The post Pros and Cons of Cross-Platform and Progressive App Development appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

What Are the Main Components of an App? https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/blog/what-are-the-main-components-of-an-app/ Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:06:43 +0000 https://www.jackrabbitmobile.com/?p=10069 Creating a custom app relies on many different components. Here are the basics for most of today's common app platforms.

The post What Are the Main Components of an App? appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.

When you buy a smartphone today, it doesn’t matter what brand or unit it is – it will be packed with around 20 to 30 applications out of the box, ready to be logged into and used. 

Apps have a wide range of uses ranging from practical (i.e., banking, investment, bills payment, weather monitoring, health monitoring) to light-hearted (i.e., photo enhancing, custom fonts and icons, games). We use them daily to transact, communicate with others, work, and play. Apps help make life easier by giving us tools to do tasks with ease through our mobile phones and devices. 

What components make up an app? Below, we delve into the core components of a mobile app and their purpose in app development.

Components in Mobile App Development

There are four main building blocks or components of a mobile app for Android devices:

  1. Activities – These are the interactions between the user and the app. It is the single-screen view of what a user can do with an app. For example, one activity is a messaging app showing a list of conversations in order of most recently opened. If you click on a chat and see the messages
    mobile app example
  2. Services – Services handle background processing, allowing an app to continue functioning while the user is busy with another app. For example, a service will fetch data or play music in the background while another app runs and appears on the screen.
  3. Broadcast Receivers – These enable the system (the device, like a smartphone or laptop) to deliver “events” to an app and activate it even if it’s not currently running. Alarms and notifications are perfect examples of broadcast receivers. You don’t need to keep the Clock app open and running after you set an alarm. You can exit and close the app, and your phone will still send off an alarm when the time comes. 
  4. Broadcast receivers are unique to Android apps. Android systems (devices) have ART or Android Runtime, an application runtime environment that allows compatible applications to access system functionalities independently. 
  5. Content Providers – These manage a shared set of data stored in the Web or an SQLite database that apps can access or modify (pending permissions from the content provider). For example, when you open a web browser app on your phone and fill out a form asking for your personal and credit card information, you can choose to store it so that it will auto-fill similar forms on other apps. Another example is copying an image from a website and pasting it on the clipboard. Even if you close the web browsing app, you can still access the image and attach it when composing a message on your text or email app. 
    special app fuctionality

What About Apps for Non-Android Devices?

Apps for other platforms like iOS, Windows, Blackberry, and Symbian also use similar components in mobile app development. Every app has a different architecture, and depending on how the developers want them to work, they may include tools and technology that most standard apps don’t have.

Generally, app developers need the following basic parts:

  • Libraries – Developers don’t have to write every single code in an app when there are existing third-party libraries that can support the functionalities they want to integrate into their apps. Writing code from scratch takes a lot of time and resources, so it’s beneficial to use widely-available libraries that can also access crucial data. For example, a banking app can tap into the device or system’s fingerprint reader to provide additional security features. 
  • Services – Apps need to talk to the operating system and sometimes with other applications as well. Think of how Google mobile apps interact with each other and Microsoft document editing apps. Consider this scenario: you can open and edit a document sent to your email through your phone, edit, save, and send it back through the Gmail app. 

    Service APIs (application programming interfaces) contain the business logic and data sources and enable apps to communicate. Developers can build first-party services from scratch and supplement them with a third-party service to make their app work correctly. For example, a custom app for an online retail shop’s first-party service can store the user’s data and banking information. It can then use a third-party app to process the transaction and collect payments directly from the customer’s bank account or credit card. 
  • UI and UX – User interface (UI) design and user experience (UX) blueprints are vital for building the look and feel of an app. Ideally, developers should have a wireframe to show UX elements like layout, workflows, and overall app structure. It can be drawn on paper, on a whiteboard, or digitally in a program. The next step would be to create a clickable prototype to better demonstrate the app’s UI, which is more about the visual elements like button shapes, font, color schemes, images, etc. With these as guides, developers can build and tweak the app to perfection.
  • Codebase – The codebase is the entire body of code developers put together to build an app’s on-screen features and functions. It includes the libraries and references the necessary service APIs. The code developers write implements the UI and UX the designers and creators mapped out during the development stage.

Whether you’re planning for an Android or iOS app, these components in mobile app development will be crucial to its success.

Have an Idea for a Mobile App? Let Jackrabbit Make It Happen.

Custom apps can empower a business, boost awareness about a brand, serve as a passive marketing and sales generation tool, provide a reliable customer service channel, and more. With proper planning and a dedicated team of experts, app development can be an investment that will pay off in higher sales and revenue for your business.

Jackrabbit Mobile is highly qualified and experienced in designing mobile and desktop apps. We use machine learning and the latest techniques in building digital solutions for professionals, business owners, and organizations. Contact Jackrabbit Mobile today to learn more about app design and development and consult our expert developers about bringing your app ideas to life.  

The post What Are the Main Components of an App? appeared first on Jackrabbit Mobile.
