phone screen with app store icon

In-App Payment Processing (Slides)

The App Store has shown to be a gold mine of opportunity. Many apps, developers, and companies have earned great returns. And we’ve seen many different successful models past paid app downloads — that’s where in-app payment processing comes in.

Other options are subscriptions, consumables, fixed purchases, and more. Maybe you want to offer a premium version, pay to remove ads, or unlock game levels. You need to offer users a method for making purchases, easily and securely.

Apple’s native StoreKit framework is one option, or using a 3rd party service such as Stripe, Braintree, or PayPal. These slides are from the Austin iOS Developer Meetup — they analyze how some of the most popular apps implement in-app payment processing, and we also share some more information on these frameworks.

Code demo and tutorial coming soon!

Click Here for the PDF

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