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Ways Mobile App Development for Nonprofits Can Help Your Organization

Are you trying to figure out new ways to reach out to your nonprofit’s target audience? If so, making a mobile app for your nonprofit can help. Although your organization is for the greater good, at the end of the day, it is still a business, and businesses can excel with apps designed to push their mission forward. 

To learn more about the benefits of mobile app development for nonprofits, keep reading. We will give you some insights into how making an app can take your nonprofit to the next level this year. 

Connect With Existing Donors, Clients and Volunteers 

If you’re hoping to find new ways to engage with your current audience, an app can be a convenient way to do so. This makes it easier for your audience to use their smartphones to access information about your nonprofit or donate funds with the click of a button. You can make it easy for your current audience to create profiles where you can offer them a personalized experience with your organization. 

Make sure that your app is personalized for your audience members based on their relationship with your nonprofit. Make sure clients, volunteers, and donors all have different options and functions based on their needs. You can also use your app to work with sponsors and affiliates.

Conveniently Collect Information 

As a nonprofit, you’re likely always trying to collect more donor data, and a mobile app makes collecting this information easy. With your app, you can ask donors questions to complete their profile so that you can get data such as their demographics and background. This can help you run tons of data analytics by tracking their behavior on your app. 

You can even segment your donors based on their information or online behavior. This allows you to learn more about your donors, which is information you can use to determine external marketing efforts as well. It will also help you learn more about what kind of content type works for different donors, and how you can target potential donors. 

Promote Fundraising Campaigns 

A huge perk that comes with creating a mobile app is that it’s easy to remind users of your organization by sending them push notifications. Reminding them about your cause can help you raise funds right from the app.

If you have a specific fundraising goal in mind, consider sending your users updates that will encourage them to donate. Use visuals, such as a progress graph to let your app users feel involved in accomplishing your fundraising goal. 

Even if someone doesn’t open your notification right away, they will be sent a reminder about it later. This allows you to send this time-sensitive information directly to a potential donor’s phone, creating a sense of urgency. This can be more effective than cold calling or emailing clients and can be used to supplement these other marketing strategies. 

Help Create a Community 

All those who download your organization’s app have a similar interest; the cause that your nonprofit supports. Depending on your nonprofit type, there may be a strong relational tie your donors and volunteers share. For this reason, it’s important to create a community around your brand to create a sense of unity and togetherness. 

Allow for your app users to share stories, post photos, and engage with one another. Create a community discussion board across your app users, or consider segmenting them based on user type. You can then also engage with your users, sharing with them important information such as updates, news, and events. 

This sense of community will help those who support your nonprofit feel more engaged and involved. This can help boost your referrals, as your app users are more likely to tell others how helpful or encouraging your online community is. 

Allows for New Revenue Streams 

While you can raise funds from donors on your site, there are other ways you can monetize your app to bring in additional revenue. For example, consider selling your nonprofits gear, from t-shirts to buttons, that will also work to advertise your brand. You could also set up a monthly subscription program in which donors get charged on a monthly basis in return for educational content or a small gift from your nonprofit. 

Boost Brand Loyalty 

People want to know that they are supporting a nonprofit they can trust, and a mobile app can help with that. By building this community around your nonprofit, being transparent, and allowing your audience to be involved in your nonprofit’s mission, you can boost brand loyalty. This helps your audience feel that your nonprofit is secure and legitimate. 

This makes it easier to get donor information, as well as to get donations. Work to get a good rating in the app store, and ask your users to leave a review that will encourage others to download your mobile app. Set up your app for secure payments to help customers feel comfortable submitting their card information when making donations to your cause. 

The Benefits of Mobile App Development for Nonprofits 

As you can see, there are tons of ways mobile app development for nonprofits can benefit tons of organizations. If you’re trying to think of new ways to engage those who support your organization so that you can raise funds and build a community around your cause, a mobile app may be the perfect way to do so. Consider creating an app for your nonprofit today to reap these benefits. 

Are you looking for a team of developers that have experience in creating mobile apps for nonprofits? Contact us today to set up a consultation so that we can help you get started. 

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