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How to Properly Hire an Android App Development Company in 2020

It’s no surprise that over recent years, mobile app usage has dramatically increased for the average consumer. That being the reality there’s a lot that apps can do to improve your business. The right application can help your customers make purchases online, interact with your business, or allow them to perform other essential functions related to your service. An app can also help build an important brand identity for your business.

Coming up with an idea for an Android app isn’t difficult. Most business owners can think of a handful of interesting ideas for an app right off the top of their head.

The problem is finding an Android app development company to turn that idea into a reality. 

Business owners wear a lot of hats, but they aren’t expected to be experts in technology and development. Luckily for you, it’s possible to find the right company without being a tech wiz.

5 Tips for Finding a Solid Android App Development Company

When there are countless companies and independent developers that are eager to work with you, it can be difficult to find the right one to handle your specific app. 

If you want to hire app developers the right way, all you need to do is follow these few simple tips. When you’re ready to start looking for a solid developer, make sure you keep these things in mind during your search.

1. Look for Reviews

If you want to learn about how a company will truly work with your business, take some time to read reviews people post about them. 

When you’re reading reviews, don’t just pay attention to when people mention things like price. Take some time to read between the lines to truly learn about how a company operates. 

Do people mention that their account representative was helpful and reachable when they needed them, or was communication difficult? 

Did people feel like their feedback on work was taken seriously, or did they feel a little steamrolled during the process? 

Learn about how previous clients felt they were treated during their time working with the company. See if people would work with them again, or if they’d prefer to look elsewhere for help. 

2. Ask to See Their Work

A developer’s or company’s portfolio can tell you a lot about their work. Exploring case studies or examples of past projects can give you an idea of the kind of work they can handle and also it their capabilities align with what you’re trying to create.

Don’t just judge the portfolio on whether or not you like the work they’ve done. Dig deeper to learn some important things about who you could be working with. 

See if they tend to work in a particular niche whether that’s an industry or an operating system. Ask them specific questions about projects like the length of time it took to complete, and if they’re doing any other recurring work with clients. 

Don’t make the mistake of assuming that they can automatically produce Android work. Ask about the operating systems they use, and always try to choose a developer that has extensive experience in the platform you want to work in.

Taking stock of portfolios can also come in very handy if you’ve come up with a shortlist of companies you want to work with. You can compare their work to help make the decision easier.

3. Think About Working Styles 

When you’re looking for an app company that can truly meet your needs, take some time to dive into how they prefer to work with clients

Some people may want to be heavily involved in the development process. They’ll want more than one weekly update and would love to sit in on every brainstorming session with their design and development teams.

Other people may want the exact opposite experience. They’ll be happy giving the development company some basic ideas about what they want, then will step away and wait to see a finished product. 

Depending on how you want to work, some companies may not be ideal to partner with. This is why you should ask questions about preferred client involvement, check-ins, and communication style before you sign a contract. 

4. Consider Cross Compatibility 

You want an Android app for your company now, but you may want to expand into different platforms in the future. 

You may find that you have a lot of customers with iPhones and want to create an iOS app that can run on their phones. It’s possible that you may want to explore different platforms after your Android apps perform well. 

This is why it’s important to find a company that can develop on different platforms.

Working with a company that can only build for one system can drastically limit your opportunities for growth. Starting off with an established company that can handle cross-development sets you up for future success.

5. Talk About After Care

After months of hard work, your app is officially available to download for Android phones. Now that the biggest hurdle has been cleared, it’s time to think about the kind of relationship you’d want with the development company going forward.

Would the company be up for doing continued maintenance for your apps, or would you have to find another resource to ensure everything is maintained properly? 

Are they willing to help you with adding additional features to your app? Could you enter into new projects with them once the first one is done?

These are all important points to consider when you’re trying to find a developer. Take time to think about the kind of post-launch help you’d want to determine if a company is right for you.

Build Your App Today

If you follow the right tips when you’re looking for an android app development company, anything is possible. Once you find a trusted development company, you can work on new projects.

Are you ready to start building your app today? Do you have other digital projects you’re interested in working on?We’re here to help you uncover and discover all of your tech needs. Contact us today for a consultation so we can start working on your best ideas.

Let’s Make Your Idea Reality

We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.