App Development

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Yonomi App Launches, Featured in Target’s Open House

We’re thrilled to say the Yonomi iOS app successfully launched last month! This was a particularly exciting project for us to work on because it’s an awesome, futuristic and still…

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welcome to las vegas billboard

Jackrabbit Mobile at IoT Evolution Expo

Last week, our VP of Strategy went to the IoT Evolution Expo in Las Vegas. This event enabled her to meet with other IoT industry front-runners. Ophelia at the IoT…

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Agile Methodology Infographic

What Is Agile Development?

I’m interested in building great software. Working on beautiful, easy to use products and growing a dedicated fanbase is something that gets me excited. I love digging into the ‘why’…

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What We’ve Found: User Onboarding Best Practices

The past month I’ve focused almost entirely on good practice for onboarding users. There are a few great tools out there for learning about best practice, but I found it…

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white apple watch and iphone screens

Developing Watch Apps for Apple Watch

The mobile industry is built on engaging users by putting information that impacts their work, life and play into their pocket. Wearables make this information even more accessible by putting…

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apple watch screen with app icons

Introduction to Android Wear – Integrating Wearables with Your App

Integrating your app with a user’s watch may not be as much work as you think. With the emergence of Android Wear, all apps can now harness the power of…

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In-App Payment Processing (Slides)

The App Store has shown to be a gold mine of opportunity. Many apps, developers, and companies have earned great returns. And we’ve seen many different successful models past paid…

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WWDC 2014 Recap & Swift Introduction (Slides)

The Apple Worldwide Developer Conference announced several exciting new features for iOS.

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App Store Cheat Sheet: Everything you need to submit your app

Going to the App Store is a big step, and it’s exciting. You’ve already been focused on the development and the technical side, here’s a helpful guide to make sure…

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WhatsApp - Tell A Friend - SMS

User Acquisition in a Mobile-First Strategy: 2 Features Your App Must Offer

Adoption defines if your technology is a success or a failure. User acquisition is one of the most important points in a product’s strategy. And these days, companies are prioritizing…

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Efficiency: 4 Ways to Reduce the Cost and Time of Software Development

In any industry, efficiency is important. Lower costs and shorter timelines reduce risk and increase happiness. Because long, expensive projects make me think of the infamous Having clients wait…

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RideAustin Menu

How to Choose Between Native and Web Apps

What the difference between native apps and mobile web apps? A lot. Is one better than the other? Sometimes, and we’re going to give you three questions to ask your…

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Let’s Make Your Idea Reality

We deliver value to partners through mobile strategy expertise, user-centered design, and lean methodology. Take a look around our work portfolio and drop us a line, we’d love to chat.